Thursday, February 03, 2005

so i have a little problem...

it's the first thing i do when i wake up in the morning. it's the last thing i do before i climb into bed after a long day. i do it right after i come home from the bars at 2 am, right before and after class, when i'm talking on the phone, having people over, studying, in between changing clothes.

it's really become a problem. i'm addicted to email. that send/receive outlook button haunts me if i'm not pressing it. it stares at me with burning eyes behind this web browser right now. but i'm fighting the urge. doh. i just pressed it again. ah well. tomorrow is another day.

i have analyzed this problem and have come to the conclusion that i need it because if not for it, or messenger for that matter (i highly recommend Yahoo!, but that's a whole 'nother addiction story for another time), i feel like i'm falling behind with the world. the frenzy to which people ask "did you get that?" "did you answer my email yet?" "so are you going?" "wasn't that crazy?" makes me tense. get what email? go to what? what was crazy? i need to know!

send/receive is my soak in the tub. but like a million times a day.

and let's forget for a minute that i'm actually in school. grad school. which means my 680 classmates and i are trapped in the same single building ALL day. talking to each other ALL THE TIME.

clearly real human interaction does not seem to be enough for me. i need constant stimuli. so one solution to relieve part of my addiction is this blog. my taterthoughts. ah, the release! i can feel it already. the tub. the soak. or is it...ah sigh... welcome to my new addiction.


Blogger dodger said...

welcome to the darkside, the hedonistic world of ponderings that even dire midterms cannot stop you from joining. i like your style, you should write for recess.

1:03 AM  

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