Saturday, November 18, 2006

egg is the new black

okay - so in the last couple of weeks, some very blog-worthy things have happened in my life, but i have just been lame and didn't sit down to write them. namely:

  • i was about 20 feet from where the shootings happened in the Castro on Halloween night. heard the gunshots, saw the people running. so much for my magic 8 ball costume. didn't see that coming. crazy.
  • my birthday happened. my boyfriend flew back for the weekend (thx for the roses!) and my friends threw me a surprise birthday party at my apartment (thanks roomie and Junebug!). so fun. so nice. i'm lucky. we were engrossed for hours with karaoke, cell phones, a slinky, nachos and magnetic balls. don't ask.
  • went to this really fun art auction fundraiser thing with JuneBug. tried to bid on a doll made with lite brites, but lost. but i won one of those new limited edition (Red) Nano iPods tho! Check out the fun pics:
  • went to vegas with 7 of my cousins and my sis. first time we all hung out socially like this, ages ranging 21-31. my cousins rock. so much fun despite the fact that i'm a few hundred dollars in the hole. it was worth it tho. :)

Anyway, the real impetus for this entry was that i was out last night for drinks with a few friends because our friend, Petastic was in town. And as we were standing at the corner waving down cabs at the end of the night, a big truck drove by and egged me and Petastic! Can you believe it? I mean real direct contact hit with yolk on the street egging.

It's the kind of thing that happens in the burbs and here we were in the middle of SOMA and POW! - right on my neck (i think i have a bruise). I also happen to be wearing a white jacket too, tho by the end of the incident my whole right side of it was yellow (and kinda sticky and wet) along with inside my shirt and on my shoe.

This, among other things (like finding out what hyphy is just last month), makes me feel old. it seems so long ago that i was in the world of dumbass kids doing pranks like this. and strangely i was pretty calm about the whole thing (as Petastic attempted to wipe off the egg mess off of me with newspaper on the street). in the end, it could have been a lot worse, so i'll just chalk it up to my city livin (i know - it's a burb thing, but hey, maybe egg-throwing is the new black).


Blogger waiting4heinz said...

hey, my co-worker has a munny...who knew people were so crazy about them? and what the hell is up with the egg slap? i could totally imagine that happening to Carrie on Sex and the City though...i dunno why...

4:46 PM  

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