Wednesday, February 23, 2005

12 days

that's how many days my bf and i have seen each other in the last six months. That's a whole whopping 6% of the time.

this 12-day statistic may seem like a sad state of affairs to most people and of course if i had it my way, i'd see my boyfriend all the time. but really - and here's my little thought for the day - for some relationships, it doesn't matter. the interesting part is that i feel just as close, if not closer to him now than i did six months ago.


there are some people you meet along the way in life (like my boyfriend, my best friend living in georgia, my sis), who you not only share wavelengths with, but they are awesome enough that your relationship with them is unencumbered (99% of the time - hey, no rlsp is perfect) by all the lame shitty unnecessary things that make people freak out in relationships. "where do i stand with him/her?" "why hasn't he called me back?" "do i like him/her more than he/she likes me?" "am i giving more than he/she is?"

the awesome people don't measure relationships by months, gifts or reassurances. they measure by open arms, secure hearts and Just-What-I-Neededs. and they let you free to grow, meet other people and try new things without the worry that they will lose you. the rest is just paint on the canvas.

so in the end, i wish i could see my boyfriend for more than 12 days every half year. but in a way, it's nice to know that even with just 12 days, that paint and canvas makes for more than the sum of its parts. (oh, and by the way, did i mention that he might be moving here? ;P)

"Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life" -- Pablo Picasso


Blogger dodger said...

awww. your bf sounds nice.

2:25 PM  

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