Monday, April 11, 2005

No Room for Slackers

At my school, it's all about teams. All our major class projects are done in groups. Which is really great on the one hand, because you learn a lot from diverse backgrounds, learn how to deal with different personalities and work styles. On the other hand, you have to deal with SLACKERS. I hate slackers. Anyone that knows me, knows i hate incompetency - why can't people just get their shit together? It's really not that hard. What can i say - I actually have expectations of people. sure - I have sympathy. family issues, pyschological issues, extreme circumstances aside though, if you sign on for something, do it!

One thing i've noticed and that i've consciously tried to stop doing in these group meetings is tell people how busy i am. it's no excuse. in reality, we're all just as, if not more, busy. like today. we have a 25-page paper due and each of us was responsible for writing a section of the paper. one guy never sent his part to our group - and it was the easiest part! he comes into the meeting talking about how he was busy with rehearsals all weekend, an assignment in operations, blah blah. i thought - man! this must be how i used to sound when i tried to tell people i was busy. in my head, i was thinking, this helped put things in context for people, but in reality, they are just as bad off as me. when he started going off with his excuses, i thought - ang was gone in NY all weekend AND had rehearsals and she got hers done. I was a section leader and helped host 500 prospectives this weekend and had the same assignments as this guy and i got my shit done.

So his excuses fall on deaf ears. and i have no sympathy for slackers. and i won't complain anymore. and he sucks. maybe he should listen to that wise old song when he needs inspiration: "doin' it and doin' it and doin' it well"


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