Sunday, February 12, 2006

Special K is good for the heart

Today was a big day for me.

I decided last week that i was going to try out for our school's big annual production, Special K. Some might say, "so what's the big deal?" But you don't understand. I have this huge fear of performing in front of other people. Huge!

And to make things more scary, here's what the audition entailed:
  • a dance routine to music that we had to learn in a "dance clinic" a week before (not easy)
  • pick a song and sing it for a minute in front of a panel of five
  • they pick a song for you to sing and then you have to sing bars on a scale
  • they make you rap (oh, yes i did, yes i did.)
  • read a monologue as some weird character (i was assigned a pro wrestler who is directing the safety instructions on a plane)
  • act out two improv games
It was one of the most nerve-racking things i've ever done and i'm so glad i went through it because i know that once i graduate, i'm not going to have another opportunity to try something like that again. and regardless of whether i make the cut (i'm not holding my breath), i still feel a sense of accomplishment.

It's nice to think that i'm still willing to pushing my limits once in a while. just thinking about the audition now still makes my stomach tingle. but i feel like as we get older and more set in our ways, we don't try and venture out to try different things as much anymore, don't like to get out of our comfort zone. but in the end, that's how we continue to grow and learn and become better and stronger people no matter what age we are.

i gotta remind myself of that 20 years from now.


Blogger dodger said...

i knew you could do it! i'm so proud of you. It was one small step for you, one giant leap for Special K :).

9:11 AM  
Blogger misocrazy said...

That is totally awesome! You never know; they may pick you, and then you'll really have to get out of your comfort zone.

Also if you decide you still want to try stuff like that again, I bet you could still find opportunities. I know a friend who does improv groups and likes to shoot short films!

10:55 PM  

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