Wednesday, June 22, 2005

some jackass broke into my car - i will miss my elephunk

so following that rave review about the bay area, i'd like to report that my car got broken into last night. parked right in front of my house!

i will preface this by saying that my neighborhood - though rich in diversity, culture and old vs. new convergences - is not the best neighborhood in the city. and that i have a freakin' honda civic with a car stereo that i did not put in my trunk (can we say flashing red target?). but regardless, this sucks ass.

and the suckiest ass part about this is that my car stereo (of which i fully depend on for my livelihood during my hour+ commutes to work everyday) and all my favorite CDs (i would venture to guess about 70 of them) are gone. Goodbye black-eyed peas, beta band, les nubiennes, jay chou, jack johnson and all my countless others i've loved and depended on for so long...

i've never had my car broken into before and this morning when i walked out of my house and saw my window smashed in, my first reaction was: "Aw, man. my car got broken into - shit, this will take all day to take care of." No shock or surprise. Isn't that strange? My car got broken into and i wasn't jilted in the least.

Some might say that it's just my personality - those who know me well will say that i'm pretty even-keeled, calm under pressure, work best under crises. But my reaction also makes me feel like the older we get, the less things we are surprised by anymore. shit just happens and we deal. there's some comfort in that - we can handle things better as adults - but there's also some sadness in that too. the freakouts and shrieks of delight in life (which we used to experience so often as a kid) remind us how much emotion we can feel and how complex it is to be human. what does it mean if we don't feel as often anymore?

P.S. Can we talk one second about how great filing online police reports is instead of having to go down to the station or waiting for them to come to you for hours? technology these days. (god, freak. i am an adult now.)


Blogger misocrazy said...

dood. this is why i decided to stay w/ my vw bug in the south bay.

well, i'm glad you could handle it so well. maybe I should trade you my junky old corolla. nobody wants to break into a boring car with missing hubcaps and a dent on the trunk! crappy car = great security!

6:04 PM  

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